The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and
the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, University of Warsaw
invite contributions to a workshop
“Reform of Regulation 1/2003 – Effectiveness of the NCAs and Beyond”
At the University of Warsaw, on Friday 28th April 2017
The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) will be running a workshop on Friday 28th April 2017 at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, Warsaw, Poland. The subject of the workshop will be the broad theme of ‘Reform of Regulation 1/2003 – Effectiveness of NCAs and Beyond’.
We invite abstract paper proposals from researchers, scholars, practitioners and policy-makers in relation to any issue within this broad theme. We welcome theoretical, economics-driven, practice-based or policy focused papers, and we are interested in receiving abstracts for papers which may be focused on perspectives or experience at national, regional (eg EU), or international levels, or a combination.
Full Details of the Call, and the Deadlines, can be found on the Event Page.