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Markets in Crisis: the stress test for competition law – CLaSF Workshop
21st April 2023
| FreeXXXIXth CLaSF Workshop
Markets in Crisis: the stress test for competition law
Friday 21 April 2023
Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence, Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Tóth Kálmán street 4., T Building, Ground floor
Mandatory prior registration by 14th April 2023 by confirmation with varju.marton.dr@gmail.com
09:30 – 09:50: Registration and coffee
09:50: Introduction – Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Kati Cseres (ACELG, Uva)
10:00 – 10:30: Setting the Workshop Theme – Kati Cseres and Márton Varjú
10.30-11.30 Markets in Crisis: The Context, Chair: Barry Rodger
Marek Martyniszyn, Queens University Belfast
Competition Law and Policy in Times of Crises
Oles Andriychuk, Newcastle University,
Markets in Crisis: Adapting Theory to the New Reality
11:30 – 11:45: Coffee Break
11:45 – 12:45 Markets in Crisis: Risks, Chair: Francisco Marcos
Ildikó Bartha and Tamás M. Horváth , University of Debrecen, Hungary,
Rule of Law Risks in EU Competition Law in Times of Crises and Beyond
Juliane Mendelsohn, TU Limenau,
When competition fails – systemic risk, capture and concentration
12:45 – 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 – 15:00 Markets in Crisis: State Aid, Chair: Márton Varjú
Monika Papp, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary,
EU strategic autonomy and State aid control. Foes or fellows?
Francisco Costa-Cabral,
From Crisis Cartels to COVID-19 State Aid and Cooperation: The Non-Exceptionality of Crisis Management by EU Competition Law
15:00 – 16:00 Markets in Crisis; Liberalism, Chair: Szabolcs Szendrő
Emanuela Lecchi, University of Dundee,
Merger Control in Times of Crisis
Haukur Logi Karlsson, University of Iceland,
Outlining a theory about the role of competition law analysis in labour markets
16:00 – 16:15 Coffee Break
16:15 – 17:45 Markets in Crisis; Widening Horizons, Chair: Angus MacCulloch
Qiang Yu, Shandong University of Science and Technology
Legislative Response to Market and Technological Shifts: Implications from China’s Competition Law Legislation
Ben Evans, University of East Anglia,
Pressing Reset: towards an Islamic value-based approach to solving the problem of data advantage
Nataliia Mazaraki and Anzhelika Gerasymenko, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv,
Postwar Challenges of Competition Law and Policy in Ukraine
17:45 – 17:50 Closing Comments
18:00 Drinks
19:30 Speakers’ Dinner sponsored by CMS Hungary