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Workshop: Competition First? Reconciling Competition with other Norms in Modern Competition Law
16th April 2009
Of Jurisdiction and Justification- Why Competition is Good for ‘Non-Economic’ goals, but may need to be Restricted,
Hans Vedder, University of Groningen
Dialectical Antitrust: Can We Protect Competition Without Protecting Consumers?
Oles Andriychuk, PHD student, EUI, Florence
Environmental Protection and EC Competition Policy: Why competition isn’t special
Suzanne Kingston, UCD, Dublin
Competition or environmental protection? Is it necessary to choose?
Zsofia Tari, PHD student, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
The Role of Competition Law in Low Carbon Emission Energy Production: the dog that failed to bark?
Dan Wilsher, City Law School, London
Competition Law and Financial Stability
Dr Giorgio Monti, LSE
with panel discussants Szymon Gebski, PHD student, EUI, Florence; Abayomi Al Ameen, Swansea Law School and Declan Walsh, Faculty of Law, UCC, Cork
Financing Health Care. What is the impact of the EC State Aid rules on the national organisation of health care?
Professor Johan van de Gronden, Radboud University Nijmegen
Competition and Welfare: Mutually Exclusive?
Prof Philippa Watson, City University, London
Competition Policy and Trade, Substitutes or Complements?
Kai Hüschelrath, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Department of Industrial Economics and International Management, Mannheim
WTO and Competition Policy: Where does India stand,
Manasvini Raj, student NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad