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Workshop: Competition Law and the Economic Crisis
13th September 2012
Keynote speaker
Prof Luis Morais, Universidade de Lisboa and Portuguese Competition Authority.
Competition Law: an unaffordable luxury in times of crisis?
Mr Pat Massey and Mr Moore McDowell (COMPECON, Dublin, Ireland)
Should crisis justify the functioning of crisis cartels? Lessons from the history in the context of the current financial crisis
Ms Beata Slominska (College of Europe)
The Interplay between the ‘Welfare of Consumers’ and ‘Economic Growth’ as Objectives of Competition Law: Overrated?
Ms Gul Sirin Gok (University of Strathclyde)
Can the more economic approach survive the economic crisis?
Dr Anne-Christine Witt (University of Leicester)
Towards a reshaping of the rules for State aids in the aftermath of the financial crisis?
Mr Gianni Lo Schiavo (College of Europe)
Too big to fail banks: what can merger control do? An European perspective
Dr Michele Giannino (Desogus, Cagliari, Italy)
Competition Law and Policy in times of Economic Crisis: A case study of the application of EU competition rules to consolidation in the automobile manufacturing sector
Mr Conor Talbot (European University Institute)