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Workshop: Market Liberalisation & Competition Law: Competition v Regulation?
6th September 2007
The Commission’s Sector Inquiry and Individual Investigations – an update
Mr Lars Kjølbye, Head of Unit, Energy and Water, DG Competition
Lessons from the Liberalisation of the Telecommunications Market
Mr Tim Cowen, BT General Counsel and Commercial Director, BT Global Services.
The Unbundling Remedy in Article 82 Energy Cases
Mr Peter Willis, Partner Dundas & Wilson.
Why Gas Market Liberalisation Will Happen
Prof Alan Riley, City Law School.
Managing the Intersection of Utilities Regulation and EC Competition Law
Dr Giorgio Monti, LSE.
Politics and Policy Impacts of the Design of EU Regulatory Institutions
Mr Andy Tarrant, Head of Government & Regulatory Affairs, BT Global Services.
EC Merger Control and Protectionism: should competition law be primus inter pares in policy and cultural clashes?
Dr Johnathan Galloway, Newcastle University School of Law.
The Impact of Consumer Protection on Competition: a new mode of regulation in liberalised markets – the controversies of the consumer welfare standard
Kati Cseres, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Amsterdam.