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Workshop: Object and/or Effects in Competition Law
24th April 2015
European pharmaceutical antitrust after Groupment des Cartes Bancaires – Time to rethink the approach to pay for delay settlements?
Sven Gallasch, UEA
Pay for delay agreements – object or effect restriction in the light of the Groupes Cartes Bancaires judgment?
Anna Laszczyk, University of Łódź
European Commission Enforcement of Article 101 in the Financial Sector: An Opportunity to Redraw the Distinction between Object and Effect
David R Little, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Cover Pricing in the UK Construction Bid-Rigging Case: a Misuse of ‘Object’ under Article 101 TFEU?
Andreas Stephan & Morten Hviid, UEA
Minimum RPM agreements as object restrictions: challenging the conventional approach
Maria Ioannidou, QMU, and Julian Nowag, Oxford Centre for Competition Law
The link between Competition law and Democracy within the Ordoliberal paradigm – A competition-democracy nexus?
Elias Deutscher and Stavros Makris, EUI
Intel, Consequentialist Goals and the Certainty of Rules: The Same Old Song and Dance, My Friend
Bruce Wardhaugh, University of Manchester
Object and effect: What role for structured evidence rules?
Stephen Dnes, University of Dundee, and Marie Goppelsroeder, DG Competition
Network effects and the confused approach to dominance involving online platforms
Jonathan Galloway, Newcastle University