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Workshop – Societal Problems: Antitrust Solutions
17th September 2021
Societal Problems: Antitrust Solutions
A Competition Law Scholars Forum Workshop
Hosted by the University of Lisbon Law School, Lisbon
Blended event: Online and In-Person
Friday 17th September 2021
Mandatory prior registration by 10th September 2021 by contacting miguelferro@fd.ulisboa.pt, intimating attendance online or in-person.
09:15 – 09:45: Registration and coffee
09.45: Introduction: Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Miguel Sousa Ferro (Lisbon Law School)
09.50-10.25 Keynote Speaker, Zoom online
Michelle Meagher: ‘What Does Antitrust Actually Do? Considering the Unintended Consequences of Antitrust Policy’
10.30-11.45 ‘The Environment and Sustainability’ Zoom online session, Chair: tbc
Oles Andriychuk, Strathclyde Law School,
The Concept of Sustainability in EU Competition Law: A Legal Realist Perspective
Ritum Kumar, Atlas Law Partners, New Delhi, India and Divya Swamy, PHD student, RML National Law University, Lucknow, India,
Contouring Sustainability through competition Law: The Need and Means of Policy Divergence
Penny Giosa, Portsmouth Law School and Aras Georgopoulos, Nottingham School of Law,
State Aid and Environmental Protection: The Role of Competitors and Civil Society Organisations
11:45-12:10 Coffee Break
12:10-13:00 Fairness and Discrimination, zoom online session, Chair: tbc
Sachin Goyal, Competition Commission of India (CCI) and Konark Bhandari, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP),
Fairness and Public Interest Under Competition Law – How can they Help the Indian Farmer?
Anik Bhaduri, NALSAR University of Law, India and Anupriya Dhonchak, BCL Candidate, Oxford
Gender Wage Discrimination: Antitrust Implications and Remedies
13:00- 14:15 LUNCH
14:15- 15:45 Inequality and Redistribution, In-person session (also live zoom feed) Chair: tbc
Carmen Rodilla, University of Valencia,
Anti-competitive practices in Labour markets and EU competition law
Sandra Marco Colino, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Sustainability, Inequality and Competition Law
Miguel Moura e Silva, Lisbon University Law School,
Can Competition Law avoid issues of Wealth Redistribution?
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:15 Wider goals, In-person session (also live zoom feed) Chair: tbc
Maciej Bernatt and Marta Sznadjer, Department of European Economic Law, Warsaw University,
The Role of Competition Law in Preserving media Pluralism
Klaudia Majcher, Vienna University of Business and Economics, and Michael Ristaniemi, Brussels School of Governance, Free University of Brussels-VUB,
From Consumer to Citizen Welfare: Imperfect Competition Calls for a Renewed Policy Goal in EU Competition Law
17:15 – Closing comments
17:45 – Drinks Reception, sponsored by Sousa Ferro e Associados
19:30 – Speakers’ Dinner