Tag Archives: NCA

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CLaSF Workshop on The International Dimension of Competition Law: EU, Brexit and Beyond …

The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Competition Law and Policy

QMU School of Law

Present a Workshop  on:

The International Dimension of Competition Law: EU, Brexit and Beyond …

at Queen Mary University of London on Thursday, 25 April 2019

School of Law, 339 Mile End Road, London. E1 4NS

Mandatory prior registration by  14th April 2019 via icc@qmul.ac.uk


09:30 – 09:50 Registration

09:50 Introduction: Barry Rodger (CLaSF),  Eyad Maher Dabbah (ICC)

10:00 – 11:30 Brexit and UK Competition Law, Chair: Angus MacCulloch

Eyad Maher M Dabbah, Brexit and Competition Law: the future relationship between the UK and EU competition law regimes, ICC, QMUL

Barry Rodger, UK Competition Law Enforcement Post-Brexit: Parallel or Subsidiary to EU Law Enforcement?, Strathclyde University

David Little, A “Deep And Special Partnership”? Risks of Misalignment In UK And EU Merger Control  Post-Brexit, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP


11:30-11:45 Coffee


11:45 – 13:00  Brexit and Private Enforcement, Chair: Barry Rodger

Annalies Outhuijse, The Netherlands, the new cartel claim paradise after Brexit?, University of Groningen

Konrad Zawodziński, Antitrust compliance and private enforcement of competition law – at the crossroads of disappearing EU law effet utile and supremacy principles, Koźmiński University


13:00 – 14:15 LUNCH


14:15 – 15:30  Supra-National Competition Law Enforcement, Chair: Maria Ioannidou

Viktoria Robertson, The ECN+ Directive: Strengthening the Pillars of the European Competition Network’s Architecture, University of Graz

Francisco Marcos, Towards a Supranational Competition Policy in Central America, IE, Madrid


15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break


15:45 – 17:00  Competition Law and Trade Policy, Chair: Francisco Marcos

Kalpana Tyagi, China’s (Ab-) use of Competition & IPRs to pursue the Industrial Policy Objectives: Does the WTO (really) have all the answers?, University of Arhus

Galyna Kostiukevych, Competition provisions in preferential trade agreements and their impact on anticompetitive conduct within global supply chains: the EU perspective, EUI


17:00 – 17:30 Closing Speaker – Colin Raftery, Senior Director of Mergers, CMA


17:30 Closing remarks: Maria Ioannidou (ICC), Barry Rodger (CLaSF)


17.45 Drinks, followed by speakers’ dinner, at Morgan Arms, 43 Morgan Street, Bow.

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New Issue of Competition Law Review – Volume 13 Issue 1

The Competition law Scholars Forum are delighted to reveal the latest Issue of the Competition Law Review. The Issue focuses on the broad theme of ‘Competition Law and Enforcement Priorities’. It features an Editorial by Mary Catherine Lucey, and Articles by William E Kovacic, Catalin S Rusu, Aiste Selezeviciute & Zeno Frediano, and Vincent Power.

The full text of the Issue can be found on the Review Page.

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Constitutional Challenges in Europe – the impact and role of competition law

Constitutional Challenges in Europe

The impact and role of competition law


A Competition Law Scholars Forum Workshop

Co-organized by the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance


Thursday 14th September 2017

University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, Roeterseiland REC A, A 3.01

Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, NL-1018 WV Amsterdam

 Mandatory prior registration by 7th September at acelg@uva.nl


09:30 – 10:00: Registration

10:00: Introduction: Prof. Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Dr Kati Cseres (Amsterdam Centre for European Law & Governance)


10:10-10:50 Keynote Speaker: Prof. dr. Anna Gerbrandy, Utrecht University


10:50-11:10 Coffee


11:15-12:15 Rule of Law Challenges and the Role of National Parliaments
Chair: Prof Jonathan Zeitlin, ACCESS EUROPE

  • Kati Cseres, ‘Rule of Law Challenges and the Enforcement of EU Competition Law, a case-study of Hungary and its Implications for EU Law’, ACELG
  • Mary Guy, ‘The Role of the EU and National Parliaments in shaping competition policy in healthcare- experiences from the Netherlands and England’, Lancaster University


12:15-13:15  NCA Independence and Accountability
Chair: Prof Francisco Marcos, IE University

  • Barry Rodger, ‘Rule of Law or Rule of Politics: Competition Authority Independence and Accountability, the UK’s CMA’, University of Strathclyde
  • Javier Guillen Carames, ‘Combining Various Regulatory Bodies Into One Multisector Body: The Problem with Independence of NCAs’, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid


13:15-14:30 LUNCH


14:30- 16:00  Competition Law, Constitutionalism and Particular Case Studies
Chair: Prof Johan van de Gronden, Utrecht University

  • Jotte Mulder, ‘The constitutional implications of the economisation and modernisation of EU competition law: a case study from the Netherlands’, Utrecht University
  • Antoine Duval, ‘Competition law as Constitutional Law: Counter-democratizing the lex sportive through EU Competition law control’, Asser Institute, The Hague
  • David Reader, ‘Understanding the ‘uneasy bedfellows’: The prospects for foreign investment review and merger control in the UK’, CCP, UEA


16:00-16:15 Coffee Break


16:15-17:15 Constitutional Challenges: Effectiveness and Private
Chair: Angus MacCulloch, Lancaster University

  • Cristina Volpin, ‘Constitutional Challenges in Europe- The Impact and Role of Competition Law’, QMU, London
  • Bruce Wardhaugh, ‘The More Economic Approach and Private Actions: A Rule of Law Threat in the EU?’, University of Manchester


17:15-17:30 Closing remarks: Kati Cseres (ACELG), Prof Barry Rodger (CLaSF)


17:30 Drinks, followed by speakers dinner sponsored by Amsterdam Centre for European Law & Governance and ACCESS EUROPE

Competition Law Review

Volume 12 Issue 1 of the Competition Law Review Published

The latest Issue of the Competition Law Review, Vol 12 Issue 1, has been published – focusing on ‘Public Enforcement of Competition Law’.

The Issue has an Editorial from Francisco Marcos; five fascinating Articles, by Mary Catherine Lucey, Jurgita Malinauskaite, Marta Ottanelli, Evi Mattioli, and Miguel Sousa Ferro & Evelyne Ameye; and, a review of Conor Quigley QC, European State Aid Law and Policy. Continue reading Volume 12 Issue 1 of the Competition Law Review Published

Call for Papers: Reform of Regulation 1/2003

The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and 

the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, University of Warsaw

invite contributions to a workshop

“Reform of Regulation 1/2003 – Effectiveness of the NCAs and Beyond”

At the University of Warsaw, on Friday 28th April 2017

The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) will be running a workshop on Friday 28th April 2017 at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, Warsaw, Poland. The subject of the workshop will be the broad theme of ‘Reform of Regulation 1/2003 – Effectiveness of NCAs and Beyond’. Continue reading Call for Papers: Reform of Regulation 1/2003

Workshop: Competition Law and Enforcement Priorities

UCD Sutherland School of Law - Business, Law and Regulation Research Group (BLREG) Seminar
UCD Sutherland School of Law – CLaSF Workshop

The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and UCD Sutherland School of Law (BLREG)


At UCD Sutherland School of Law (Belfield, Dublin 4) on Friday, 16 September 2016




09:30 – 10.00: Registration

10.00: Introduction – Prof Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Mary Catherine Lucey (UCD BLREG)


Keynote Speaker – Professor William E. Kovacic, George Washington University Law School
‘Prioritization, Project Selection and Agency Effectiveness’


10.45-11.15 Coffee



Prioritisation and Article 102 – Chair: Patrick Kenny, Member CCPC

‘Enforcement priorities Paper on Article 102 TFEU: Is a Title Enough to Overtake Constitutional Rules and Fundamental Rule-Of-Law Principles?’,
Konstantinos Sidiropoulos, DPhil Candidate, Oxford University;

‘Far Beyond Meaningless: the non-enforcement of exploitative excessive prices’,
Carmen Rodilla Marti, PhD Candidate, University of Valencia



Prioritising Enforcement: Commitments and State aid complaints – Chair: Professor Barry Rodger

‘Commitments: Guidance for a New Enforcement Style’,
Stavros Makis, PhD Candidate, Department of Law, EUI, Florence;

‘Prioritisation in state aid control: Filtering out “unwanted” complaints’
Oskar Van Maren, The Asser Institute, the Hague


13:15-14:30 LUNCH


14:30- 15.45

Priorities in Enforcement: A Global and EU Perspective – Chair: Judge John Cooke

‘Goals, Values and Priorities of Competition Agencies: A View from Practice Around the World’
Dr Julian Nowag, Lund University, Sweden, and CCLP, & Dr Maria Ioannidou, QMU London and CCLP.

‘The Actual Role of Boosting the EU Competition Law Enforcement powers of NCAs: In Need of a Reframed Formula’
Catalin S. Rusu, Associate Professor of European law, Radboud University, Nijmegen

‘Implications Of Competition Law Enforcement In The Electricity Sector: Comparative Analysis Of The UK And US’
Francisca Kusi-Appiah, PhD Candidate – CEPMLP University of Dundee


15.45-16:00 Coffee Break



Enforcement priorities in Scotland and Ireland – Chair: Angus MacCulloch,

‘Is There a case for a Scottish Competition Authority? Contrasting Old, New and Regional Competition Enforcement Priorities in large, small and regional EU Economies’
Aiste Slezeviciute, PhD candidate, Edinburgh Law School, and Solicitor, S and W, Edinburgh and Zeno Frediani, Solicitor, S and W

‘An Analytical Review of the Choices/priorities made by Ireland’s Competition Authority/Competition and Consumer Protection Commission 1991-2016’
Dr Vincent Power, Partner, A & L Goodbody, Dublin


17:10-17:30 Closing Address: Dr John Temple Lang

17:30 Closing remarks
Professor Imelda Maher MRIA, Sutherland Professor of European Law UCD Sutherland School of Law, &  Prof Barry Rodger (ClaSF)

17.45Taxis to Central Dublin for bar/restaurant for speakers and participants