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CLaSF Workshop – The Enforcement of Competition Law in Digital Markets
22nd April 2022
A Competition Law Scholars Forum Workshop
Hosted by the Department of Legal Studies of Università Bocconi of Milan
Friday 22nd April 2022
AS02, Grafton Building, Università Bocconi, Via Roetgen 1
Mandatory prior registration by 15th April 2022. The registration process will be available on Bocconi’s website (https://www.unibocconi.it/wps/wcm/connect/ev/eventi) from 15th March 2022.
09:15-09:45 – Registration and coffee
09.45: Introduction: Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Mariateresa Maggiolino (Bocconi University)
09:50-10:50 Market Definition in Digital Markets – Chair: Barry Rodger
Victoria Robertson, Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business,
Antitrust Market Definition for Digital Ecosystems
Bhawna Gulati and Sachin Goyal, Indian Competition Commission,
How relevant is the relevant market in digital platform cases?
10:50-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:15 Digital Markets and Algorithms- Chair: Angus MacCulloch
Valeria Caforio, PHD candidate, Bocconi University,
Algorithmic tacit collusion: a regulatory approach
Isabella Lorenzoni, PHD Candidate, University of Luxembourg,
An “AI whistle-blower” to monitor algorithmic infringements?
12:15- 13:15 Mergers in Digital Markets – Chair: Federico Ghezzi
Vincenzo Iaia, PHD Candidate Luiss University, Roma,
(Data) mergers in digital markets, green light…red light!?
Muhammad Wicaksono, PHD candidate, Oxford University; Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Integrating Data Privacy-Based Theories of Harm in Antitrust Analysis of Digital Mergers: Lessons from the EU and US Experiences
13:15- 14:15 LUNCH
14:15- 15:45 Digital Markets, Enforcement/Remedies and the DMA – Chair: Francisco Marcos Fernandez
Juliane Mendelsohn, Technical University Ilmenau,
Digital Bigness – a case for structural remedies in competition and regulatory law
Catalin Rusu, Belle Beems and Johan Van de Gronden, Radboud University Nijmegen,
The Added Value of the DMA’s Enforcement Framework
Laura Zoboli and Giuseppe Colangelo, University of Warsaw and University of Basilicata,
Amazon Buy Box case: the dawn of self-preferencing case law?
15:45-16:10 Coffee Break
16.10- 17.10 Regulating Digital Markets: Comparative Approaches – Chair: Mariateresa Maggiolino
Magali Eben and Or Brook, Glasgow University and Leeds University,
Regulating Digital Markets in the EU’s Multi-governance System: Between EU and National Competition Laws and Laws pursuing a ‘predominantly’ different objective
Thomas Tombal, Tilburg Law School,
Ensuring contestability and fairness in digital markets through regulation: a comparative analysis of the EU, UK and US approaches
17.10-17.15 closing comments
17.45 Drinks
19.30 Speakers’ Dinner