XLIII Competition Law Scholars Forum Workshop (CLaSF)
Competition Law in a Sporting Context
Thursday 24 April 2025
University of Porto, Faculty of Law
Rua dos Bragas, 223 – Porto
09:30 – 09:50 Registration and coffee
09:50 – 10.00
Welcome and Introduction:
Paulo de Tarso Domingues (Dean of the Faculty of Law of University of Porto), Barry Rodger (CLaSF, University of Strathclyde) and Jose Reis (University of Porto)
10-10.30 Keynote
Rosalia Ortega Pradilllo, Rosalia Ortega Sports Law, Presidente Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Deportivo
The Diarra Case and the Potential End of Release Clauses
10:30–11:30 Transfer Regulations and Player Mobility in Football, Chair: TBC
Javier Perez, Regula Law
The theories of anticompetitive harm of FIFA’s former transfer regulations: the path to redress and deterrence against a no poach buyer cartel
Miquel Aznar Company, Universitat de Valencia
Player Mobility Regulation and Competition Law: Towards a More Competitive Market?
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break
12.00 – 13.00 ‘The Beautiful Game’?, Chair TBC
Maria Sanchez Magdalena, FILS, Barcelona
Foreign Investment in European Football: The Impact of the FSR
Jose Reis, Porto University
No-poach, crisis cartels and the sporting exception: the strange case of the Portuguese football COVID19 deal
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 –15:30 Competition law Regulation of Rugby: worth a Try?, Chair TBC
Beverley Williamson, McCann Fitzgerald LLP
Professional Rugby Union: Time to stop tinkering around the edges of a cartel
Richard Bunworth, UCD, Dublin
The Irish Rugby Football Union’s Eligibility Restrictions in Light of the Diarra Case
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00–17:15 Widening the Lens: Sports Authorities and Organizations and the Role for Competition Law, Chair TBC
Andreas Stephan and Peter Dawson, George Centre for Competition Policy, UEA, Norwich
Exploring the Implications of Recent Competition Law Challenges in the Sports Industry
Barry Rodger, Strathclyde University
‘Sports’ in which Scottish People excel …to what extent are sports’ governing organisations Snookered by Competition Law
Angus MacCulloch, Lancaster University
Article 101, Public Harms and Specificity of Sport
17:15 – 17:30 Closing comments
18:00 Drinks
20:00 Speakers’ Dinner