Tag Archives: Enforcement

Competition Law and the Sporting Arena – XLIII CLaSF Workshop

XLIII Competition Law Scholars Forum Workshop (CLaSF)

Competition Law in a Sporting Context

Thursday 24 April 2025

University of Porto, Faculty of Law

Rua dos Bragas, 223 – Porto


09:30 – 09:50 Registration and coffee

09:50 – 10.00
Welcome and Introduction:
Paulo de Tarso Domingues
(Dean of the Faculty of Law of University of Porto), Barry Rodger (CLaSF, University of Strathclyde) and Jose Reis (University of Porto)

10-10.30 Keynote

Rosalia Ortega Pradilllo, Rosalia Ortega Sports Law, Presidente Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Deportivo
The Diarra Case and the Potential End of Release Clauses

10:30–11:30 Transfer Regulations and Player Mobility in Football, Chair: TBC

Javier Perez, Regula Law
The theories of anticompetitive harm of FIFA’s former transfer regulations: the path to redress and deterrence against a no poach buyer cartel

Miquel Aznar Company, Universitat de Valencia
Player Mobility Regulation and Competition Law: Towards a More Competitive Market?

11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break

12.00 – 13.00 ‘The Beautiful Game’?, Chair TBC

Maria Sanchez Magdalena, FILS, Barcelona
Foreign Investment in European Football: The Impact of the FSR

Jose Reis, Porto University
No-poach, crisis cartels and the sporting exception: the strange case of the Portuguese football COVID19 deal

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 –15:30 Competition law Regulation of Rugby: worth a Try?, Chair TBC

 Beverley Williamson, McCann Fitzgerald LLP
Professional Rugby Union: Time to stop tinkering around the edges of a cartel

 Richard Bunworth, UCD, Dublin
The Irish Rugby Football Union’s Eligibility Restrictions in Light of the Diarra Case

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00–17:15 Widening the Lens: Sports Authorities and Organizations and the Role for Competition Law, Chair TBC

Andreas Stephan and Peter Dawson, George Centre for Competition Policy, UEA, Norwich
Exploring the Implications of Recent Competition Law Challenges in the Sports Industry 

Barry Rodger, Strathclyde University
‘Sports’ in which Scottish People excel …to what extent are sports’ governing organisations Snookered by Competition Law

 Angus MacCulloch, Lancaster University
Article 101, Public Harms and Specificity of Sport

17:15 – 17:30 Closing comments

 18:00 Drinks

20:00 Speakers’ Dinner

Call For Papers – Competition Law and the Sporting Arena

The Competition Law Scholars Forum announce a Call for Papers for their 43rd Workshop on Thursday 24 April 2025 at the Universidade do Porto.

CLASF is launching a new workshop to discuss the relationship between competition law and the sporting arena. This has been the subject of three major CJEU rulings within the last year: firstly, two -delivered on the same date- relating to the European Super League (ESL, C-323/21) and the International Skating Union (ISU, C-124/21P) and, secondly, the post-Bosman ruling in Diarra (FIFA, C-650/22). There has been considerable discussion and controversy in recent years about the extent to which EU competition law applies to the regulatory and governance structures involved in sports organisations and any remaining value in the ‘specificity of sport’ concept. This is particularly significant from a commercial, legal, and social perspective given the importance of sports in society and its inherent tension with the economic goals of Competition Law.

Details of the Call are available on the Wokshop’s Event Page

Private Antitrust Enforcement: taking stock and looking ahead – CLaSF Workshop – Programme

XLII Competition Law Scholars Forum Workshop

Friday, 4th October 2024

Private Antitrust Enforcement: taking stock and looking ahead

IE University/ IE Law School, Madrid (Spain)

IE Tower (room T-16/01)
Paseo de La Castellana 259
Madrid E-28046

09:30 – 09:50 Registration and Coffee (HUB 16)

09:50 – 10:00 Welcome and Introduction: Barry Rodger (CLaSF, University of Strathclyde)
and Fernando Pastor (IE Law School)

10:00–11:15 Setting the Context: Private Enforcement under EU Law, Chair: Barry

Csongor Istvan Nagy, Galway University
The private enforcement of competition law in Europe: we have a religion- now it’s time to find a founder!

Gustavo Andrés Martin, Juzgado de lo Mercantil 1 of Alicante
Private Enforcement After Ten Years of the Antitrust Damages Directive

Lena Hornkohl, University of Vienna
Collective Actions for competition law violations in the EU: state of play

11:15 – 11:35 Coffee Break (HUB 16)

11:35 – 13:15 Extending Private Enforcement, Chair: Lena Hornkohl

Eduardo Pastor Martinez, Audiencia Provincial of Valencia (section 9)
Contracts and Damages: The Expansive Nature of the Private Enforcement of Competition Law

Antonio Robles Martin-Laborda, Carlos III Madrid University
Standard Arbitration Agreements and Cartel Damages under EU Law

Miguel Sousa Ferro & Ricardo Jorge Silva, Lisbon Law School & Sousa Ferro & Associados
European Commission at Court: Friend or Foe to Antitrust Private Enforcement?

Dominik Wolski, Kozminski University
Harm Displacement and Private Antitrust Enforcement

13.15 – 14.30 Lunch (HUB 16)

14:30 –15:45 Competition law Collective Redress: Key Themes and Developments in the UK, Chair: Angus MacCulloch

Barry Rodger, University of Strathclyde
Key Themes in the Certification of Collective Proceedings in the UK by the CAT under the Consumer Rights Act 2015

Maria Ioannidou, Queen Margaret University
UK Collective Actions against Big Tech: Private Enforcement 2.0

Sebastian Peyer, University of East Anglia
Litigation Funding after PACCAR- challenges in UK competition litigation and beyond

15:45 – 16:00 Coffee Break (HUB 16)

16.00–17:15 Private Enforcement: A Comparative Perspective, Chair: Maria Ioannidou

Aurelien Portuese, George Washington University
Comparative Law and Economics of Private Antitrust Enforcement: a Framework to
meet half way

Rita Paukste, Mykolas Romeris University
Why (Successful) actions for damages are rare in Lithuania

Francisco Marcos, IE University & academic counsel CCS Abogados
Damages in the Spanish paper envelopes cartel

17:15 – 17:30 Closing comments

18:00 Drinks

20:30 Speakers’ Dinner



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CLaSF Workshop – Critical Evaluation of and New Insights for Competition Law Enforcement and Policy-Making

Call for Papers

XL CLaSF Workshop on Competition Law Academic Scholarship – Critical Evaluation of and New Insights for Competition Law Enforcement and Policy-Making

Friday 22 September 2023


Strathclyde Law School / Strathclyde Centre for Antitrust Law and Empirical Study, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

In association with Dentons, Glasgow.

The Competition Law Scholars’ Forum was set up to foster academic interaction and debate on key aspects and themes of competition law and help to promote a sense of an academic community of competition law scholars by facilitating the presentation of research in a friendly and open environment, and consequently allow for contributions to wider developments in competition law and policy.

CLASF is now over 20 years old and in this 40th Clasf Workshop we want to celebrate and showcase the important contribution that competition law academics make to debates on competition law enforcement and policy. Accordingly, the key theme here is research recently or currently undertaken by academics which can help to make a significant contribution to our understanding of aspects of competition law and in particular which will engage with and contribute to recent, ongoing and future developments in competition law enforcement and policy-making.

Against this background the Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) 40th workshop invites contributions (abstract paper proposals from researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers) in relation to any issue within this wide subject. We welcome theoretical, economics-driven, practice-based, or policy-focused papers, and we are interested in receiving abstracts for papers which may be focused on perspectives or experience at national, regional (e.g. EU), or international levels, or a combination. We are planning a live, in-person event only.

The Workshop will consist of a mix of invited speakers and contributions chosen following this call for papers. Any person interested in being considered on the basis of the call for papers at the workshop is asked to contact Professor Barry Rodger at barry.j.rodger@strath.ac.uk. An abstract is required of approximately 500-1,000 words, to be submitted by no later than Monday 24th July 2023, and decisions on successful submissions will be taken by Friday 11th August 2023.

Submission of presentation/draft paper is also required a week prior to the workshop. Papers presented at the conference can be submitted to the Competition Law Review editorial board with a view to being published in the Review. Note that the Review is a fully refereed scholarly law journal: submission does not guarantee publication.

Call for Papers – 40th CLaSF Workshop

CLaSF is celebrating its 40th CLaSF Workshop by going home!

In this Clasf Workshop we want to celebrate and showcase the important contribution that competition law academics make to debates on competition law enforcement and policy. Accordingly, the key theme here is research recently or currently undertaken by academics which can help to make a significant contribution to our understanding of aspects of competition law and in particular which will engage with and contribute to recent, ongoing and future developments in competition law enforcement and policy-making.

Please see the Event Page for full details of the Call.

Competition Law and Sustainability

A Competition Law Scholars Forum Workshop
Hosted by the Department of Commercial Law of Universitat de València Estudi General

Friday 23rd September 2022

Salón de Grados del Departamento de Derecho constitucional y Ciencia Política “Tomás Villarroya”

Mandatory prior registration by 16th September 2022 by confirmation with Carmen Rodilla (carmen.rodilla@uv.es)

09:30 – 09:50: Registration

09:50: Welcome, Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Carmen Rodilla (Universitat de València)

10:00 – 10:30 Introductory remarks, Andrés Boix (Universitat de València)

10:30 – 11:15 General Themes on Sustainability and Competition, Chair: Carmen Rodilla
Johannes Persch, University of Mannheim, Department of Law, ‘Competition Law v Sustainability’

11:15-11:45 Coffee Break

11:45-13:00 Mapping the Competition Law and Sustainability Interface, Chair: Francisco Marcos
Teresa Oriani, PhD candidate, EUI, Florence, ‘Synergies, conflicts, redundancies and gaps: Mapping coordination issues in the competition-environment interface’
Klaudia Majcher, Vienna University of Economics and Business, ‘Protecting Personal Data and the Environment: Doctrinal Challenges for EU Competition Law in Our Day and Age’

13:00 – 14:15 LUNCH

14:15 – 15:30 Sustainability and Aspects of EU Competition Enforcement, Chair: Angus MacCulloch
Tuvana Aras, PhD Candidate Leiden University, ‘The Legal Impact of the European Climate Law on Competition Law Enforcers in the European Union’
Beverley Williamson, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, Ireland, ‘Sustainability and Merger review: a competition Enforcer’s perspective’

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:15 Competition Law and wider values, Chair: Barry Rodger
Csongor Istvan Nagy, Department of Private International Law, University of Szeged, ‘Competition law and General Societal Values: the unholy marriage of good and greedy?’
Juan David Gutiérrez & Sebastián Solarte, Universidad del Rosario and PhD candidate at UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, ‘Can antitrust contribute to save the Amazon? Deforestation and competition law and policy in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru’

17:15-17:45 Closing comments Tomás Arranz Fernández-Bravo, Partner Uría Menéndez

18:00 Drinks

20:00 Speakers’ Dinner

CLaSF Workshop – The Enforcement of Competition Law in Digital Markets

A Competition Law Scholars Forum Workshop

Hosted by the Department of Legal Studies of Università Bocconi of Milan

Friday 22nd April 2022

AS02, Grafton Building, Università Bocconi, Via Roetgen 1

Mandatory prior registration by 15th April 2022. The registration process will be available on Bocconi’s website (https://www.unibocconi.it/wps/wcm/connect/ev/eventi) from 15th March 2022.


09:15-09:45 – Registration and coffee

09.45: Introduction: Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Mariateresa Maggiolino (Bocconi University)

09:50-10:50 Market Definition in Digital Markets – Chair: Barry Rodger

Victoria Robertson, Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business,
Antitrust Market Definition for Digital Ecosystems

Bhawna Gulati and Sachin Goyal, Indian Competition Commission,
How relevant is the relevant market in digital platform cases?

10:50-11:15 Coffee Break

 11:15-12:15 Digital Markets and Algorithms- Chair: Angus MacCulloch

Valeria Caforio, PHD candidate, Bocconi University,
Algorithmic tacit collusion: a regulatory approach

Isabella Lorenzoni, PHD Candidate, University of Luxembourg,
An “AI whistle-blower” to monitor algorithmic infringements?

 12:15- 13:15 Mergers in Digital Markets – Chair: Federico Ghezzi

Vincenzo Iaia, PHD Candidate Luiss University, Roma,
(Data) mergers in digital markets, green light…red light!?

Muhammad Wicaksono, PHD candidate, Oxford University; Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Integrating Data Privacy-Based Theories of Harm in Antitrust Analysis of Digital Mergers: Lessons from the EU and US Experiences


13:15- 14:15 LUNCH


14:15- 15:45 Digital Markets, Enforcement/Remedies and the DMA – Chair: Francisco Marcos Fernandez

Juliane Mendelsohn, Technical University Ilmenau,
Digital Bigness – a case for structural remedies in competition and regulatory law

Catalin Rusu, Belle Beems and Johan Van de Gronden, Radboud University Nijmegen,
The Added Value of the DMA’s Enforcement Framework

Laura Zoboli and Giuseppe Colangelo, University of Warsaw and University of Basilicata,
Amazon Buy Box case: the dawn of self-preferencing case law?

 15:45-16:10 Coffee Break

16.10- 17.10 Regulating Digital Markets: Comparative Approaches – Chair: Mariateresa Maggiolino

Magali Eben and Or Brook, Glasgow University and Leeds University,
Regulating Digital Markets in the EU’s Multi-governance System: Between EU and National Competition Laws and Laws pursuing a ‘predominantly’ different objective

Thomas Tombal, Tilburg Law School,
Ensuring contestability and fairness in digital markets through regulation: a comparative analysis of the EU, UK and US approaches


17.10-17.15 closing comments


17.45 Drinks


19.30 Speakers’ Dinner

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CLaSF Workshop: The Courts & Competition Law – Draft Programme

Draft Programme

The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and The School of Law, University College Cork 

present the programme for a workshop on

 The Courts & Competition Law

 at University College Cork, Ireland on Thursday 5 September 2019.

Moot Court Room, School of Law, Aras na Laoi

Mandatory prior registration by  2nd September 2019 at Declan.Walsh@ucc.ie


09:30 – 09:50 – Registration and coffee

09:50 – Introduction: Barry Rodger (CLaSF), Mark Poustie (Dean of Law, UCC)

10:00 – 10:45 Keynote Speaker – tbc


10:45 – 11:00 Coffee


11:00 – 12:00 – The EU Context and Private Enforcement, chair: tbc

Charlotte Leskinen, Striking a Balance between Public and Private Enforcement – the Impact of the Case Law of the Court of Justice, IE University

Alexandru Gabriel Soptica-Vid, CJEU case law developments and current issues in allocating jurisdiction in cross-border EU competition law damages actions, UCD


12:00 – 13:30 – National Experiences, chair: tbc

Barry Rodger, Competition Law Private Enforcement: driven by EU institutions, Principles and Instruments or National Mechanisms? An analysis of aspects of Key Themes in Recent  UK Case-law; University of Strathclyde

Rita Griguolaite, Is there any room left for purely domestic situations? The analysis of EU competition law application by Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court in antitrust cases where no Art 101/102 TFEU infringement found, Motieka, Vilnius

Paul Gorecki, The Courts & Competition Law: The Irish Experience, Trinity College Dublin


13:30 – 14:45 LUNCH


14:45 – 15:45  The Courts and Procedural Issues, chair: tbc

Helene Andersson, Accessing Evidence of Competition Law Infringements through National Courts – A Mission Impossible?, Stockholm University

Haukur Logi Karlsson, Courts and the political mode of deciding, compensating for undue procedural delays in EU’s competition procedure, Reykjavik University


15:45-16:00 Coffee


16:00 – 17:00  Review of Competition Authority decision-making, chair: tbc

Francisco Marcos, The judicial challenge of the fines imposed by Competition Authorities in Spain: An empirical analysis; IE University

Vincent Power, When does the court of justice of the European Union disagree with the merger decisions of the European Commission?; A & L Goodbody, Dublin


17:00 – 17:15 Closing remarks: Declan Walsh (UCC), Barry Rodger (CLaSF)


17:45 Drinks Reception at The Kiln, Lady’s Well Brewery, Leitrim St, Cork, kindly hosted by Heineken Ireland


19:30 Speakers Dinner, Venue TBC, kindly sponsored by A&L Goodbody Solicitors

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CLaSF Workshop on The International Dimension of Competition Law: EU, Brexit and Beyond …

The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Competition Law and Policy

QMU School of Law

Present a Workshop  on:

The International Dimension of Competition Law: EU, Brexit and Beyond …

at Queen Mary University of London on Thursday, 25 April 2019

School of Law, 339 Mile End Road, London. E1 4NS

Mandatory prior registration by  14th April 2019 via icc@qmul.ac.uk


09:30 – 09:50 Registration

09:50 Introduction: Barry Rodger (CLaSF),  Eyad Maher Dabbah (ICC)

10:00 – 11:30 Brexit and UK Competition Law, Chair: Angus MacCulloch

Eyad Maher M Dabbah, Brexit and Competition Law: the future relationship between the UK and EU competition law regimes, ICC, QMUL

Barry Rodger, UK Competition Law Enforcement Post-Brexit: Parallel or Subsidiary to EU Law Enforcement?, Strathclyde University

David Little, A “Deep And Special Partnership”? Risks of Misalignment In UK And EU Merger Control  Post-Brexit, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP


11:30-11:45 Coffee


11:45 – 13:00  Brexit and Private Enforcement, Chair: Barry Rodger

Annalies Outhuijse, The Netherlands, the new cartel claim paradise after Brexit?, University of Groningen

Konrad Zawodziński, Antitrust compliance and private enforcement of competition law – at the crossroads of disappearing EU law effet utile and supremacy principles, Koźmiński University


13:00 – 14:15 LUNCH


14:15 – 15:30  Supra-National Competition Law Enforcement, Chair: Maria Ioannidou

Viktoria Robertson, The ECN+ Directive: Strengthening the Pillars of the European Competition Network’s Architecture, University of Graz

Francisco Marcos, Towards a Supranational Competition Policy in Central America, IE, Madrid


15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break


15:45 – 17:00  Competition Law and Trade Policy, Chair: Francisco Marcos

Kalpana Tyagi, China’s (Ab-) use of Competition & IPRs to pursue the Industrial Policy Objectives: Does the WTO (really) have all the answers?, University of Arhus

Galyna Kostiukevych, Competition provisions in preferential trade agreements and their impact on anticompetitive conduct within global supply chains: the EU perspective, EUI


17:00 – 17:30 Closing Speaker – Colin Raftery, Senior Director of Mergers, CMA


17:30 Closing remarks: Maria Ioannidou (ICC), Barry Rodger (CLaSF)


17.45 Drinks, followed by speakers’ dinner, at Morgan Arms, 43 Morgan Street, Bow.

CLaSF Workshop Programme Published

The Competition Law Scholars Forum are delighted to publish the Draft Programme for their 25 April 2019 Workshop on ‘The International dimension of Competition Law: EU, Brexit and beyond …’ at QMU Law School in London.

The full Programme of speakers and details regarding Registration can be found on the Workshop Event Page.