The CLaSF Working Paper Series has been introduced by the Forum in order to promote scholarship in Competition Law and the activities of the Forum. The Working Paper Series will publish versions of some of the papers presented at CLaSF workshops and other occasional papers which Members of CLaSF wish to publish as part of the series.
If CLaSF Members wish to publish any papers as part of the Series please contact Angus MacCulloch, CLaSF Communications Officer using the website’s Contact page.
To download the papers simply click on the links below. All papers are in PDF format, and you will need a version of Adobe Reader (or equivalent) to view them.
CLaSF Working Paper 10
EU Merger Control and Acquisitions of (Non-Controlling) Minority Shareholdings - The State of PlayCatalin Stefan Rusu, Radboud University Nijmegen

CLaSF Working Paper 09
Competition Law and Public Policy Justification: the EU and Japan comparedYoshiharu Ichikawa, Keio University & Japan Broadcasting Corporation

CLaSF Working Paper 07
Is it now time for a single Europe-wide fining policy? An analysis of the fining policies of the Commission and the Member StatesJames Killick, White & Case

CLaSF Working Paper 06
The Modernization of the System of Implementation of Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty of the European Community from the Spanish PerspectiveAlfonso Luis Calvo Caravaca, Carlos III University in Madrid;María Pilar Canedo Arrillaga, Universidad de Deusto in Bilbao;Natividad Goñi Urriza, Universidad Pública de Navarra in Pamplona

CLaSF Working Paper 05
Decentralised Application of EU Competition Law: A Strategic ApproachTeresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell, Carlos III University of Madrid

CLaSF Working Paper 04
Enlargement and State Aid in CEECsDr Andrew Evans, Queen's Univeristy Belfast

CLaSF Working Paper 03
The Systems of International Cooperation in Administrative and Criminal Matters in Relation to Regulation EC 1/2003Oswald Jansen, GJ Wiarda Institute, Law Faculty, University of Utrecht

CLaSF Working Paper 02
Clarification or Confusion? How to reconcile the ECJ’s rulings in Altmark and Chronopost?Dr Andreas Bartosch, Haver & Mailänder, Brussels, & European State Aid Law Institute, Berlin

CLaSF Working Paper 01
The Competition Act 1998 and State Entities as Undertakings: promises to be an interesting debateProfessor Barry J Rodger, University of Strathclyde