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CLaSF Workshop ‘Antitrust at the Intersection of Law and Economics’
19th April 2018
The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and
the Institute of Corporate and International Commercial Law of the University of Graz
“Antitrust at the Intersection of Law and Economics”
at the University of Graz (Austria) on Thursday, 19 April 2018.
Venue: Graz Law Faculty, Universitätsstraße 15, Building Part A, 2nd Floor
08:40 – Registration and coffee
09:10 – Introduction
Barry J. Rodger (CLaSF & University of Strathclyde)
Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson (University of Graz)
09:20 – Welcome from the University
Peter Scherrer (Vice Rector, University of Graz)
Stefan Storr (Dean of the Law Faculty, University of Graz)
Johannes Zollner (Vice Dean of the Law Faculty & Head of the Institute of Corporate and International Commercial Law, University of Graz)
09:30 – Panel 1 – Economics as the foundation of competition law
Chair: Alan Riley (CLaSF & Atlantic Council)
Ryan R. Stones (LSE), The Chicago School of Antitrust and the ‘More Economic Approach’ to EU Competition Law: A Mistaken Inspiration?
Justin Lindeboom (University of Groningen), The Authority of Law and the Limits of the ‘More Economic’ Approach
Anne C. Witt (University of Leicester), The European Court of Justice and the more economic approach – is the tide turning?
10:45 – Coffee
11:15 – Panel 2 – How much economics in competition law?
Chair: Angus MacCulloch (CLaSF & Lancaster University)
Heinrich Kühnert (DORDA), Competition law as a panacea? Balancing accuracy and predictability of antitrust enforcement
Thibault Schrepel (Panthéon-Sorbonne), For the removal of restrictions ‘by object’: An economic approach
Maria Wasastjerna (University of Helsinki), Antitrust’s identity crisis – time for less economics?
12:30 – Keynote Address
Theodor Thanner (Director General, Austrian Competition Authority)
13:00 – Lunch
14:20 – Panel 3 – The EU’s more economic approach to antitrust revisited
Chair: Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson (University of Graz)
Hans Zenger (DG Competition, European Commission), Use (and abuse)
of economics in competition law
Peter Thalmann (Vienna University of Economics and Business),
Variations on a theme? A bird’s‐eye view on the more economic approach
and its divergent manifestations in EU antitrust and state aid law
Sandra Marco Colino (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Reconciling
Economic Analysis and Effective Enforcement of Competition Law
15:40 – Coffee
16:10 – Panel 4 – Economics in antitrust: issues arising in practice
Chair: Francisco Marcos (CLaSF & IE University)
Stefan Holzweber (University of Vienna), On the borderline: Leveraging practices
between legal and economic analysis
Agustín Reyna (BEUC), ‘Privacy as quality’: What behavioural economics
can contribute to antitrust enforcement in data-driven markets?
Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui (University of Bergen), AEC test: What does
it really mean
Carsten König (University of Cologne), Form, Effects, or Both? –
Confusions about the More Economic Approach after the European
Commission’s decision in Google Search
17:50 – Overview and closing remarks
To register, e-mail viktoria.robertson@uni-graz.at by 1 April 2018 at the latest; a
maximum number of participants applies.